Our beloved German Shepard, Wilson, sadly passed away Thursday evening! He was only 1 1/2 yrs old.
Out of no where, Wilson started having severe seizures and foaming at the mouth! Darryl laid in the back of the truck to comfort him as I raced us to the Vet, knowing in my heart..... that he wasn't coming back! I had to make the painful decision to have him put to sleep! I couldn't control my emotions as they raced him to the back on a
stretcher while he was suffering another major seizure. It was the last time we would see him!
Our hearts were broken and the boys were
devistated! After many tears and hugs..... we talked about how blessed we were to have been home that evening and not at baseball! And how thankful we were that it didn't happen in the middle of the night or when we were all gone during the day! We were thankful that he didn't have to suffer too long and that the vet had "warm sleepy juice" to make Wilson comfortable! We love and miss you Wilson! :(