Saying of the Month

May your stuffing be tasty

May your turkey plump,

May your potatoes and gravy

Have nary a lump.

May your yams be delicious

And your pies take the prize,

And may your Thanksgiving dinner

Stay off your thighs!

~Author Unknown

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where Were You?

Do you remember where you were and what you were doing on that horrific morning of 9-11-2001? I had just dropped off the kids at school and turned on my car radio....that's when I heard! I ran in the house and flipped on the news! I couldn't believe my eyes and what was happening! I was profoundly impacted that day!
I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN and being PATRIOTIC holds a whole new meaning for me!

This was the scene when I dropped the kids off at school this morning! A tribute to those who lost their lives that fateful day!

I remember thinking that this would be a historic moment in time..... so I grabbed the camera. One kids could share with their kids, grandkids (and so on) their place in time.....when history was made.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

August when?

August came and went..... without much notice....(except the days it got to 110-112 degrees) I guess that is because all the craziness started! I believe August 3rd was the day! First day of school, first day of football practice and I started helping Darryl in his office down in San Bernardino! I am driving on average, 150 miles a day! Great meditation time! And trust me.... I need it! (Along with some great books on CD) Now that we are somehow in September......are you sure we even had an August?
Scotty's First day of First Grade!

Oh...ya~ I also have two other school kids! Ha Ha

I guess they feel too old to have their picture taken on the first day of school! (Not too many moms are on Jr and High School campuses taking snap shots of their 'babies' on their first day)

Ya... it might be embarassing for all! Anywho... D.Jay is now in 8th grade and Kyla 10th! did that happen?