Okay, I just want to whine a little! We recently got new health insurance with Kaiser Permenante with Darryl's company. Oh what fun.... transferring all the old to the new! (Don't get me wrong...I am very grateful that we have insurance) I started off by having all of Kyla's bumps and lumps looked at. So off to a "new patient" visit with our new pediatrician! (You have to understand that we had the same pediatrician for the last 9 years or so and we just loved him)
The new Dr gave us a referrel to a surgeon for her back and a podiatrist for her foot. We made a few "foot Dr" appts and then she had that surgery on her foot, with follow up appts as well. We went to the surgeon for her back (lump on lower back) She gave a referral to have a CAT Scan. Had that done...and all is normal, they assume it is just "fatty tissue". Mind you.... all these appointments are "down the hill" which is about 45- 50 minutes away, plus I am still babysitting Carrie's baby.
Then it is time for D.Jay. He has been having allergy shots for the past four years, so we needed to see a new allergist. We went for a "new patient" visit with the same pediatrician and of course they love to "update" his shot record with additional Hep A, Meningococcal, and Tetanus shots....poor D.Jay. We got the referral to the Allergist. Went and had new allergy test performed, which is now done on the inner part of your arm instead of on your back. Poor D.jay with about 35 needle "pricks" on that tender skin which quickly "reacted" and had the itchy, hive-like welts all over his arm....okay got the lowdown of everything he's allergic to blah, blah, blah. This was on a Thursday....then Saturday morning, D.Jay had me look at something that was bothering him on his leg. It looked like a bug bite or small boil. I told him that we could put hot compresses on it to relieve it! Then.... the next day, after church and right before the Superbowl started..... D.Jay showed me his leg and told me how much that "thing" hurt! Oh my goodness!!! That thing more than doubled in size, was hot to the touch and very hard feeling! I knew instantly what it was! It happened to my friend a few months ago! She had picked a little pimple on her face and later went to a regular Dr visit at Kaiser....hummm. Sometime while being there or after, she had touched that little area on her face! To make a long story short, it ended up being Staph Infection.....not cool! So after the Superbowl, I took D.Jay down to the urgent care and sure enough....that's what it was. D.Jay told me that he had picked a little pimple on his leg and he wore shorts the day we went to Kaiser.....so I only imagine that he had touched it after being there. The ER doctor put him on 2 heavy duty antibiotics....taking 6 pills a day for 10 days. D.Jay stayed home from school for two days while the infection "drained". It was sooo nasty, but you know I like that gross stuff.... if it's my family! The Dr checked again on the third day, and indeed it was getting better. Then still had to finish up the next day at the allergist to test and finalize what strength allergy serum to give him. Six injections on his inner arm and we were done! ;) Let me tell you..... D.Jay and I washed our hands like crazy and used hand sanitizer every other minute while we were at Kaiser......lesson learned! Come to find out, one of Darryls employees had the same thing! He picked something on the back of his neck, went to Kaiser, touched it, and ended up with Staph Infection! So let this be a warning....! Wowzy! I think I feel better now! Don't remind me that we haven't even started with Scott! I think I will wait awhile.... I am burnt out with Dr visits!!!!! Thanks for listening! :)