Saying of the Month

May your stuffing be tasty

May your turkey plump,

May your potatoes and gravy

Have nary a lump.

May your yams be delicious

And your pies take the prize,

And may your Thanksgiving dinner

Stay off your thighs!

~Author Unknown

Friday, January 2, 2009

Family Tidbits & Highlights of 2008

Go Hesperia Trojans!!!!! I love being a football Mom! I don't have many pictures because I am too excited, intense and involved at the games! It is a thrill to watch 28 of"our boys" play. It is quite time consuming and becomes our life! Practices start at the end of July and our season ends in December!

Gettin ready to ride the race
cars at Hot Laps...
like our pre-helmet look?

Roar! The lake brings out the wild, fun side!

Crazy Darryl & D.Jay climbing & jumping off the cliffs!

Kyla....the crazy bird lady! What a goof! :)
D.Jay flexin' trying to show his "buffness".... Hee Hee

DJay also enjoys wakeboarding and tubing!

The Sherriff's Dept. was practicing rescue drills! It was exciting to watch!
I love all the rocky mountain scenery!


Scott is always keeping us entertained!
Nice goggle face!

Scotty felt the need to collect big rocks on
our adventure hike...and then complained about carrying
them the rest of the way! It was funny!

Nice shot Mr. Oakley!

We spent a day riding at El Mirage. Can you believe that they now charge $15 bucks a day to ride at a dry lake bed in the middle of no where? That stinks!

Scott loves to ride & we have to physically pry him of the bike!

Me and my longer....but he will always be!

I think I found our new "pad". See.....the view goes on forever!

D.Jay and his buddy, Garrett, gettin ready to ride!

Kyla is screwing around on the baby bikeKyla is caught teasing her dad.....I think she maybe she trying to choke him!

Here she is at Yosemite catching fish in the weeee early hours of the morning with Uncle Tom! What a good sport! :)
Scotty graduated Pre-School this summer! He was soooo ready for kindergarten! He was doing the alphabet in sign language.

Darryl participating at a golf fundraiser..... first of all, it is funny to see him golfing.....second of all, how is it that he can't hit his ball in the hole, but he can manage to kill an innocent birdie bystander? Bird murderer!

The "viewing"