Saying of the Month

May your stuffing be tasty

May your turkey plump,

May your potatoes and gravy

Have nary a lump.

May your yams be delicious

And your pies take the prize,

And may your Thanksgiving dinner

Stay off your thighs!

~Author Unknown

Friday, March 6, 2009

Things that make you go hummmm........

Do your kids ever do things that make you wonder where the heck
they come from? Last night, we were making lunches and I had the box
of Goldfish crackers out. Next thing I know.... Scotty is putting Goldfish
in his mouth.....chewing them up.....and spitting them in to a cup! I asked him
what he was doing.....and he said, "making cheese". Welp, maybe in a childs makes sense! At least it gave me a good laugh.
Also, D.Jay told us the other day that in PE, they had to do the "cross-country run"
Scotty was amazed that his brother had to run across the country! ha, ha! I just love the
innocent interpretation! :)

1 comment:

  1. That is my favorite thing about kids, thier innocence!!! Happy late Birthday! I am glad you had a good one all mothers need to be pamperd like that.
